* /nas/mictau/SVNS/cbmc-r2030+concurrency --unwind 1 --partial-loops --no-unwinding-assertions version 4.2 results *
Timeout: - Memory limit: unlimitedkb
Thu May 23 02:17:41 2013
Benchmark Result commandline date dec-procedure exitcode expected maxmem mt_atomic-block (**) mt_fr (**) mt_max_per_address mt_num_unique_addresses mt_po (**) mt_rf (**) mt_rf-at-least-one (**) mt_rfi (**) mt_thread-spawn (*) (**) mt_tot_subevent_count mt_ws (**) mt_ws-preceding (**) ssa-size time_dec_proc user usertime wallclock
ethoc_sw_hw_m32_prop5 Property VIOLATED /nas/mictau/SVNS/cbmc-r2030+concurrency --unwind 1 --partial-loops --no-unwinding-assertions ../ethoc_sw_hw_m32_prop5.gb Thu May 23 01:39:43 BST 2013 MiniSAT2 with simplifier 10 unknown 38641760kb 278 6335 179 13 541 10781 407 407 18 560 1397 827 16707 1673.46 mictau 1680.67 28:19.74
ethoc_sw_hw_m32_prop6 Property HOLDS /nas/mictau/SVNS/cbmc-r2030+concurrency --unwind 1 --partial-loops --no-unwinding-assertions ../ethoc_sw_hw_m32_prop6.gb Thu May 23 02:08:04 BST 2013 MiniSAT2 with simplifier 0 unknown 30618848kb 277 6331 181 13 543 10823 409 409 18 562 1397 827 16683 324.25 mictau 335.51 5:46.00
ethoc_sw_hw_m32_prop7 Property HOLDS /nas/mictau/SVNS/cbmc-r2030+concurrency --unwind 1 --partial-loops --no-unwinding-assertions ../ethoc_sw_hw_m32_prop7.gb Thu May 23 02:13:51 BST 2013 MiniSAT2 with simplifier 0 unknown 29000892kb 277 6217 178 13 536 10674 402 402 18 555 1397 827 16635 208.367 mictau 219.50 3:48.87
ethoc_sw_hw_m32_sequential_prop5 Property HOLDS /nas/mictau/SVNS/cbmc-r2030+concurrency --unwind 1 --partial-loops --no-unwinding-assertions ../ethoc_sw_hw_m32_sequential_prop5.gb Thu May 23 01:17:59 BST 2013 MiniSAT2 with simplifier 0 unknown 8917856kb 17710 422.208 mictau 426.76 7:11.03
ethoc_sw_hw_m32_sequential_prop6 Property HOLDS /nas/mictau/SVNS/cbmc-r2030+concurrency --unwind 1 --partial-loops --no-unwinding-assertions ../ethoc_sw_hw_m32_sequential_prop6.gb Thu May 23 01:25:11 BST 2013 MiniSAT2 with simplifier 0 unknown 8844800kb 17686 421.74 mictau 426.14 7:10.54
ethoc_sw_hw_m32_sequential_prop7 Property HOLDS /nas/mictau/SVNS/cbmc-r2030+concurrency --unwind 1 --partial-loops --no-unwinding-assertions ../ethoc_sw_hw_m32_sequential_prop7.gb Thu May 23 01:32:23 BST 2013 MiniSAT2 with simplifier 0 unknown 8751412kb 17648 431.17 mictau 435.32 7:19.82

The benchmarks were run on a Linux 3.5.0-26-generic 8x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5667 (3.07GHz) system equipped with 49453040kb RAM.

(*) This is the total number of extra threads spawned in addition to the main thread. In the paper we report that total number, i.e., mt_thread-spawn + 1.
(**) The number of concurrency constraints reported in the paper is the sum of all columns marked (**).