EBMC – A Short Tutorial


We assume that you have already downloaded the EBMC binary on your system. If not, please download the EBMC binary from here.

Given a synthesizable hardware design in Verilog at register transfer level (RTL) and safety or liveness properties given in a property specification language such as SystemVerilog assertions, EBMC verifies the correctness of the design with respect to the property. EBMC can perform both bounded and unbounded verification. In this brief tutorial, we demonstrate how to apply EBMC to Verilog designs for bounded and unbounded verification.

Checking a Combinational Circuit Using EBMC

Let us consider a simple combinational circuit example1.sv. It implements a two-bit adder. The design comes with a test harness, which includes an assertion. The assertion checks the result computed by the adder.

module my_add(input a, input b, output [1:0] y);

  assign y[0]=a^b;
  assign y[1]=a&b;


module main(input a, input b);

  wire [1:0] result;

  my_add adder(a, b, result);

  assert property (a+b==result);


The following command is used to run EBMC to verify the correctness of the combinational circuit.

ebmc example1.sv --top main

Observe that we have specified the name of the top-level module using the --top option. In response, EBMC reports "SUCCESS" for the property, which means that it holds for any inputs a and b.

Property Specification on the Command Line

EBMC also allows to specify a property on the command line. For example1.sv, we can specify our property on the command line as given below.

ebmc example1.sv --top main -p "a+b==result"

Bounded Verification of a Sequential Circuit Using EBMC

The behavior of a sequential circuit not only depends on the inputs but also on the state of any registers or flip-flops. We can instruct EBMC to perform bounded verification of a sequential circuit by giving the --bound command-line option. EBMC then tries to prove or refute the properties given as assertions in the main module within that bound. To this end, EBMC unwinds the transition system up to the user-specified bound.

To illustrate bounded verification, let us consider a simple Verilog circuit for counter design named example3.sv. The design contains two SystemVerilog properties. The first asserts that the least-significant bit of the counter flips when the input named enable is high. The second checks whether the counter can reach the value three.

module counter(
  output [7:0] out,
  input enable, input clk);

  reg [7:0] state;
  assign out = state;

  initial state = 0;

  always @(posedge clk)
      state = state + 1;

  assert property (enable && state[0] |-> ##1 !state[0]);
  assert property (state!=3);


Now, run EBMC command to verify the counter circuit for ten transitions as follows:

ebmc example3.sv --top counter --bound 10  

EBMC reports that the first assertion holds, and that the second assertion has failed, as follows:

** Results:
[counter.property.1] always counter.enable && counter.state[0]
                     |-> ##1 !counter.state[0]: SUCCESS
[counter.property.2] always counter.state != 3: FAILURE

Understanding EBMC Counterexamples

Whenever EBMC refutes a property, it computes a counterexample path starting from the initial state and leading to the error (bad) state. Recall that the second property of example3.sv is failing. We can ask EBMC to output the counterexample trace by specifying the --trace command-line option. We obtain the following trace:

Transition system state 0
  counter.state = 0 (00000000)
  counter.out = 0 (00000000)
  counter.enable = 1

Transition system state 1
  counter.state = 1 (00000001)
  counter.out = 1 (00000001)
  counter.enable = 1

Transition system state 2
  counter.state = 2 (00000010)
  counter.out = 2 (00000010)
  counter.enable = 1

Transition system state 3
  counter.state = 3 (00000011)
  counter.out = 3 (00000011)
  counter.enable = 0

Observe that counter has reached the value three in the final state of the trace.

Using the VCD Dump

The counterexample trace from EBMC can be saved in a vcd file and can be viewed with any waveform viewer such as gtkwave. The command to dump the counterexample trace for the second property in example3.sv is given below (one line).

ebmc example3.sv --module counter --bound 10 --vcd example3.vcd

This generates a file example3.vcd, which is visualized by gktwave as follows:

Specifying the Reset Logic

Let us consider a variant of the Verilog model, given as example4.sv. In this variant, the initialization of the registers is performed using an active-high reset signal.

module counter(
  output [7:0] out,
  input reset, input clk);

  reg [7:0] state;
  assign out = state;

  always @(posedge clk)
      state = 0;
      state = state + 1;

  assert property (reset |-> ##1 state==0);
  assert property (reset |-> ##2 state==1);


Now, run EBMC command to verify the counter circuit for a bound of ten as follows:

ebmc example4.sv --top counter --bound 10 --trace

The first property in the module checks that the reset signal correctly sets the value of the counter to zero. It passes. The second property in the module asserts that the counter reaches the value one after two clock ticks after the reset cycle. Perhaps unexpectedly, this property fails. This is due to the fact that the reset signal is an input, and thus, may take arbitrary values. In particular, reset may be active in the second time frame.

We can instruct EBMC to assume that the reset signal is driven in the usual fashion using the --reset command-line option. The design uses an active-high reset signal, so the reset expression is reset==1.

ebmc example4.sv --top counter --bound 10 --reset reset==1 

The second property now passes as well.

Co-verification and equivalence checking tool

If you are interested in hardware/software co-verification or C-RTL equivalence checking, please use our tool HW-CBMC.